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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Conservation Day

We couldn't have asked for better weather for today's field trip! The students did an excellent job of behaving and answering questions while we were there. See our pictures below for a wrap up of our day. 

Nerd Day

Homecoming 2013 Need Day

Mallardfest Coloring Contest Winners

Congratulations to Bethany and Anna who won the coloring contest. They both were able to walk in the parade with the winners from other classes. Here they are with Leo the Mallard duck. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Partial Sums

Today we reviewed how to do partial sums. After a few minutes if review we are doing just fine! Ask your child to show you how to do a partial sums problem. You just might be surprised! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Midterm? Already?

Yes, it's true! We are already one eighth of the way through the school year. Students are learning what 4th grade is all about. They are in a routine now. Things are beginning to smooth out in our classroom. For the most part, there hasn't been much homework assigned. I know some students feel like they are having a lot. Please remember to let me know if they have more than 30 minutes each night. It might be a case of using time wisely. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Compass Work

Through a lot of determination, we are learning to use our compasses! They aren't as easy as they look, but they sure are fun. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What's My Number?

This afternoon we took a break from our text book to play a game with math facts. Each person had a multiplication or division problem on their back. They had to ask questions to figure out what their answer was. It took a lot of work, but they did it! We did realize our facts were a little rusty. Please continue to practice at home.